It’s far too easy to become overloaded between work and home responsibilities. I found the advice that Bruce Tulgan, founder of the management training firm RainmakerThinking, shared a compelling reminder that when we’re saying no, we’re really preparing ourselves to give our best yes later on. Our default response when someone asks us to do […]
Managing a Hybrid Workforce
Before March 2020, I had never managed a 100% remote workforce. I had to quickly learn the best methods for communicating between me and my team, strategies for keeping projects moving forward, and most importantly making sure that people felt as safe as possible and valued. As the summer continued and we implemented our reopening […]
For Father’s Day
In honor of Father’s Day, I’m dedicating this post to my dad, Keith Satter. I was fortunate to grow-up with supportive and engaged parents. Dad taught me many lessons that I find myself returning to as I continue to advance in my career. My dad continues to be a strong role model for me. And […]
The New Normal: Work After COVID-19, Part 2
As those working in academic libraries and higher education institutions consider how to reopen their campuses later this summer, I’ve been thinking a lot about what work will look like post-COVID-19. We don’t know when that “after” will begin. Once we’re back on campus? After a potential resurgence of the virus? Or once there’s a […]
The New Normal: Work After COVID-19, Part 1
As those working in academic libraries and higher education institutions consider how to reopen their campuses later this summer, I’ve been thinking a lot about what work will look like post-COVID-19. We don’t know when that “after” will begin. Once we’re back on campus? After a potential resurgence of the virus? Or once there’s a […]
The New Normal: Leading in the Time of COVID-19
Now that I’m one-week into working remotely, I’ve given some thought to this “new normal” I’m now working and living in. For me the new normal has replaced video conferencing with face-to-face meetings, using a chat feature rather than dropping by someone’s office, and email as the communication tool I rely heavily on (even more […]
First Lessons Learned: Leading in the Time of COVID-19
Beginning yesterday, me and all of my colleagues in the library transitioned to working from home in response to a University-wide closure to try and stop the spread of COVID-19. This is my first experience working remotely, and I have a number of concerns about how to be the most effective leader I can be […]
Thunder: Part III
The final piece to bringing my most confident self to work is music. Like most people, I have my favorite songs that remind me of a particular time in my life or life event. As I considered what kind of music would help me focus and keep my energy high, I thought about the songs […]