Saturday morning I attended two related sessions: “Digital Asset Management Systems or DAMit, How am I supposed to Maintain all These Files?” and “Open Source”. Both of these sessions gave me a sense of what up and coming open source systems offer archives and special collections. The systems discussed were: Collective Access– launched in 2004, […]
MARAC 2011- Session 10: Electronic Records: Moving from Theory to Practice
Friday afternoon I went to a session on electronic records. As a former staff member at Mount Holyoke College’s Archives and Special Collections I was interested to see what progress they’ve made working through their electronic records grant issued by the NHPRC for the 2011 year. The grant is up this December and Leslie Fields […]
MARAC 2011: Apps’N @ “Social Media What is it Good For”
During the Friday afternoon session of MARAC, I presented “Social Media What is it Good For?” which analyzed my experiences implementing social media into the outreach efforts of an international poetry society and a college’s archives and special collections. Enjoy the slide show! Social media what is it good for? Slide 1 Good afternoon. My […]
MARAC 2011 Session 7: App’sn @
I participated in a Friday afternoon session where presenters shared their experiences implementing social media at a variety of institutions. Amy MacDonald shared the results of assessing her social media program which just hit the two year mark, as a University Archivist at Duke. Across all Duke libraries there is a blog that all can […]
MARAC 2011 Session 2
My first session at MARAC was “Switch! How to Change Things When Change is Hard”. The first speaker, Desider Vikor from the University of Maryland. He shard his experiences restructuring all university archives, rare books and special collections departments to create a more cohesive singular service point that could address all types of user inquiries. […]