Acquiring Organizational Records in a Social Media World: Documenting Strategies in the Facebook Era For my last session at SAA yesterday I heard three presenters sharing their experiences using social media to connect with undergraduates. Tim Pyatt’s “Not for the Uninitiated Documenting Secret Societies” conveyed how he has captured these organization’s records through Google searches, […]
SAA 2011
Saa11: Session 410
Session 410: The Archivists’ Toolkit: Innovative Collaboration This session included 8 lightening talk presentations of 5-8 minutes long. Kate Bowers from Harvard University shared her experiences with a drop down plug-in for the “extent” field in Archivists’ Toolkit, which enabled her and the other 7 repositories at Harvard to shift their accession records into AT. […]
Saa11: Session 301
Archives on the Go: Using Mobile Technologies for Your Collections This session was chock-full of the suggestions for implementing mobile technologies. The first presenter Laura Botts shared her experiences with QR codes. Botts explained that QR codes can be useful to archivists who launch exhibits, to share further information with viewers. QR codes can be […]
Saa11: Plenary II: David Ferrerio and Helen Tibbo
This morning I attended the second Plenary session which featured United States Archivst, David Ferrerio. Ferrerio highlighted the challenges that we as practitioners in a digital era face and how the staff at NARA are working through those issues. Challenges: – Quantity of digital files – Numerous file formats – New technologies competing against old […]
Saa11: Session 205
Session 205: EAD and the Global Information Environment: An Exploration of Opportunities Yesterday afternoon I attended a session on EAD. As someone who works at a repository that does not yet take advantage of all that EAD can offer, I’m interested to know how practitioners are using EAD. This session included a panel of 4 […]
Saa11: Social Media Forum
This afternoon I enjoyed the exciting opportunity to participate in an open forum sponsored and led by the Communications Technology Working Group. Over the next year, as SAA examines a wide variety of practices as an organization, one of the areas I’m most interested in is the organization’s response to the abundance of social media […]
Saa11 Thursday Morning Session
Session 107: What Happens After “Here Comes Everybody”: An Examination of Participatory Archives” The first presenter and author of ArchivesNext blog, Kate Theimer, shared with us her thoughts surrounding the creation of a new definition of participatory archives that focuses on the on-line environment as the epicenter of collaboration between community members, archivists and scholars. […]
Saa11 Key Note Address: Scott Simon
Scott Simon, from the NPR show: Weekend Edition delivered the keynote address Thursday morning. His talk centered around his recent experiences with the book. While reading his notes from an iPad- no stranger to technology here- Simon shared the pleasures he and his family experiences reading together the classic Pinocchio that they bought at Treehorn […]